Submit a Recipe

T1Buddies is created fully by the Type 1 Diabetes community. Here’s the space to add your own favorite T1D-friendly recipes to the collection.

Helpful Hints

Don’t worry if you don’t have an image for your recipe on hand! You can always edit your recipe and add a picture later.

Introduce your recipe! Why is it good for people with Type 1 Diabetes?

Is your recipe a breakfast dish, a lunch/dinner, or a snack or dessert?

This field is optional, but you can choose from a variety of international cuisines.

If one serving of your recipe has less than 15 grams of carbs, choose the “Low-Carb” option. Otherwise, this field is optional.

If an ingredient has a measurement (cups, grams, etc): put the number in the first box and the label in the second. If not, leave the measurement box blank (ex: 2 avocados).

If the recipe has multiple steps, click on “Add Direction” for each additional step.

This is the most important section – especially the carb count! If you don’t know the nutritional information of the recipe, this nutrition calculator is a great tool. You only need to enter the number values.

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Helpful Hints

Image: Don’t worry if you don’t have an image for your recipe on hand! You can always edit your recipe and add a picture later.

Description: Introduce your recipe! Why is it good for people with Type 1 Diabetes?

Category: Is your recipe a breakfast dish, a lunch/dinner, or a snack or dessert?

Cuisine: This field is optional, but you can choose from a variety of international cuisines.

Restricted Diet: If one serving of your recipe has less than 15 grams of carbs, choose the “Low-Carb” option. Otherwise, this field is optional.

Ingredients: If an ingredient has a measurement (cups, grams, etc): put the number in the first box and the label in the second. If not, leave the measurement box blank (ex: 2 avocados).

Directions: If the recipe has multiple steps, click on “Add Direction” for each additional step.

Nutrition: This is the most important section – especially the carb count! If you don’t know the nutritional information of the recipe, this nutrition calculator is a great tool. You only need to enter the number values.